You might definitely notice all over the world that the market is dominated by two types of juicers. As an enthusiastic health-conscious juice lover, I had analyzed and browse as much information as I can gather about Masticating and Centrifugal Juicer. I have gone through a vast of information to assure the best deal of buying my juice extractor. Here we’re going to talk about Masticating vs Centrifugal Juicer and after that, you’ll figure out which one is the right juicer for you.
Is there really any difference that exists between Masticating juicer and a centrifugal juicer! Hence, the answer is quite easy. Yes, of course, there are some major differences between these two types of juicers. Generally, in the juicer world, all juicers are commonly classified into two major categories: Masticating and Centrifugal juicer. This differentiation actually depends on the juicing process, quality of performance, and most important on the price.
In this article, I am sharing my ideas with you that I get from experience. This article obviously helps you to choose your best desire juicer. Lets’ have a look at detailed facts and figure out the distinction between Masticating and Centrifugal juicer.
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Masticating Juicer Definition
Masticating juicer indicates the juicing process that extracts juice in the chewing system. The word ‘Masticating’ signifies the juicing process used by this machine. This juicer grind or crushes or kneading substances into softening pulp.
It is also known as a single or twin gear juicer. Usually, masticating juicers are considered the best quality juicer. The quality of this juicer made it the most expensive in terms of price. Amazingly, you can grind, mash and chew any kind of fruits, vegetables, even green leaves through its’ powerful augers.
This high-definition juice extractor squeezes every last drop of juice out separating from the absolutely dry pulp. A masticating juicer is considered the most healthy juice extractor. It is the perfect deal for a serious type of health-conscious juice lover.
What is Centrifugal Juicer?
If you carefully noticed the advertisements and search in the market, you must find centrifugal juicer is actually the most common available juicer.
This juicer is actually considered an affordable type of juicer for all classes of people. The name centrifugal defines the process used by the machine. Centrifugal refers to directing from the center or the axis of an object.
A centrifugal juicer is actually working in a blending mood. This juicer is considered an economic and time-efficient juice extractor. It extracts juice from fruits and vegetables.
However, for kneading green leaves, the centrifugal juicer is not the perfect one. For occasional juicing with less concentration on health consciousness, the centrifugal juicer is best. The high-speed spinning action grinds the substances into pulp.
In terms of price and performance, there is tough competition between the masticating juicer and centrifugal juicer. Whereas centrifugal juicer is less expensive, masticating juicer bits with the best performance.
Masticating Juicer vs Centrifugal Juicer Comparison
Juicing Process
Masticating juicer masticates or mashes fruits, vegetables, green leaves with powerful augers. Based on the juicing process, this juicer is acknowledging as the cold-press juicer. It comes with a horizontal design. The juicing process includes fed veggies or fruit pieces into the top of the tube.
The tube tunnel squeezes and smashed the substances to extract the maximum amount of juice. The end bottom of the tube disposes of juice and separate pulp pushed through the end. On the other hand, the centrifugal juicer is comparatively designed vertically. While the fruit or vegetables are pushed through the top of the machine they are entered into a mesh chamber. The razor-sharpen teeth shred the substances.
Its’ rapid spinning high-speed juicing process around the chamber with the sharpen teeth feature extract juice in the blending process. Some juicers come with a separate pulp ejection chamber and exit juice via a spigot juice funnel. Masticating juicer works in a slow processing system while centrifugal juicer works with high speed. The slow process cold pressing juicing system extracts more healthy juice. In context, the high-speed spinning process generates more hit that destroys the health enzyme of the juice.
In comparison to performance, masticating juicer always beats the centrifugal juicer. In terms of nutrient level, juice quantity, test, and flavor masticating juicer perform great.
Juice Extraction
The juicing method of masticating juicer extracts more juice compared to the centrifugal juicer. Masticating juicer extracts the last drop of juice through its powerful auger in the grinding procedure. Thus, it generates more dry pulp.
The ridiculous high-end super powerful masticating juicer can give maximum juice from any kind of herbs like wheatgrass, leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables. However, this type of juicer cannot handle whole pieces of substances. Fruits and vegetables need to be cut into small pieces to get the maximum output.
On the other hand, centrifugal juicer extracts juice more quickly. Hence, this type of juicer is considered time-efficient. It can mash whole pieces of fruits and vegetables in a few minutes. This juicer is best for soft and hard fruit and vegetables only.
Nutrient Assurance
A masticating juicer is best for the health-conscious juice lover. It maintains a high nutrient level through the cold-press juicing system. Though the juicing procedure is slow and time-consuming the quality of juice it produces actually worth its high price. The slow press juicing system works without generating any hit and foam.
Centrifugal juicer works in high-speed spinning mode. Hence, it generates a hit. Therefore, there is a debate regarding the nutrient assurance issue of this juicer. However, the regular juicing method does not ever generate much hit that results in destroying food enzymes. Scientifically, enzymes are killed when they expose 118ºF hit. However, the speedy spinning system creates foam, and that results in easy oxidation of juice quickly.
Test and Flavor
With a masticating juicer, you get the guarantee to have a drink in the original test. The slow and cold press juicing method preserves the juice test and flavor unchanged. While centrifugal juicer’s juicing method results from some nutrient contamination and oxidation with foaming cause slight change in juice test.
Long Durability
In terms of price, juicing process and performance masticating juicer are long durable compared to the centrifugal juicer. However, a centrifugal juicer is more cost-effective and time-efficient. The high speedy centrifugal juicer is comparatively less durable. Especially the sharpened teeth get dull easily for the cheapest centrifugal juicer.
The narrow chute of masticating juicer requires more cutting and chopping activity. On the other hand, the slower juicing process assures dryer pulp and nutrient contamination-free juice but it takes a longer time. Masticating juicing is actually built for a long time use by a serious juicer. However, if you are not committed to the long haul of juicing centrifugal juicer is best for you.
Versatility and Flexible usability
You can consider your masticating juicer as all one machine that will work as a juicer, blender mixer, and even food maker. You can prepare some delicious nut butter in it. Even you can rely on it to prepare baby food. A centrifugal juicer is best for easy to use the function. It can handle whole pieces of fruits and vegetables. Thus, you need not spend extra time chopping and cutting.
Compare to masticating juicer, a centrifugal juicer comes with a wider chamber. It offers easy to clean function with dishwashing usability. On the other hand, most masticating juicers come with easy to clean up inbuilt function.
Noise Versus Quiet Operation
A centrifugal juicer works in the high-speed spinning mode it causes extensive noise. The grinding system results in more noise and hits to extract juice from substances. On the other hand, masticating juicer offers quite an operating mode. Even in the normal juicing process, the juicer doesn’t create as much noise as the centrifugal juicer.
The most important thing a buyer needs to think about before making his buying decision is his own capability. The budget he can spend for having a juicer that offers him all facilities to meet up his demand. Though masticating juicer outperforms the centrifugal juicer to all extents, the price range is not favorable for all types of consumers.
Frankly speaking, this highly expensive juicer is not actually affordable by all. The price range usually starts from $500. On the other hand, centrifugal juicer’s price starts from $40. However, considering the quality of the juicer I must suggest you go for a bit more expensive time juicer within your budget limit.
Read more about the best budget juicer.
How to determine the right choice for you?
Yet, it is time to decide which juicer is best fitted with your lifestyle. As an experienced user, I will prefer to suggest you think a while about your need and affordability. If you are a health-conscious juice lover and regular serious juicer user, then the masticating juicer is the best deal for you.
However, if you prefer to wake up at 7:30 to start for office at 8:00 o’clock in the morning, you should go for the centrifugal juicer. Moreover, as a beginner centrifugal juicer is the best deal for anyone.
Final Verdict on Masticating vs Centrifugal Juicer
After reviewing a wide range of information from various sources I found, there are different categories of juicers based on the price range. Though compare to masticating and centrifugal juicer masticating bit the competition.
There are some high definition best qualities, branded and long durable centrifugal juicers. Those juicers really perform best and save your time in this fast-moving phase of life.